Rapid As-Builts

Accurate as-builts delivered quickly and at scale.

Great projects start with a great as-built - but getting them can be a headache.

ApexTech makes getting as-builts painless. Our advanced 3D image-based as-built survey process means we can deliver more as-builts faster than competitors. We’ll focus on getting the drawings so you can focus on your most important work.

✔︎ Nationwide Coverage

Our nationwide data capture team can deliver an as-built for any building in the US or Canada.

✔︎ CAD or Revit Models

Get exactly what you need to enable your project to move forward.

✔︎ Generated Rapidly

Don’t wait a month or two to receive an as-built.  Our process is fast and accurate.

✔︎ High Volume Capabilities

Our data capture team has the bandwidth to generate as-builts for 50-20,000 stores.